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Welcome ASHRAE Students! 


Below are all the student programs we currently have available for all student members of the Orange Empire Chapter. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact student activities chair Cinthya Carrillo. Thank you for being part of ASHRAE, we wish you all the best this 2023-2024 school year! 


ASHRAE 2025 Winter Conference Student Travel Grant​

The Orange Empire Chapter would like to invite Chapter students to apply for grants to be applied to expenses to attend the 2024 ASHRAE Winter Conference in Orlando, FL. The travel grants that will cover admission fees, transportation, food and lodging for up to $2,000 per person. Up to two winners will be selected for the travel grant to the conference. Applicants for travel grants are required by October 15, 2024Download application form.


Scholarship Opportunities​

Stay tuned for more information!


Student Book Reimbursement 

Student may receive up to $40 for (1) ASHRAE book purchased from the ASHRAE website. Students need to email Cinthya a copy of their receipt, an executed application form, and come to an ASHRAE meeting to pick up their check. Checks not picked up by June will be mailed to the address we have on file. Download application form.


Orange Empire Technical Meetings

Students have free attendance to the Orange Empire technical meetings. When registering for each meeting, select the free "student" option so we can reserve your spot for seating and dinner.


Fundamentals of Engineering Exam Reimbursement Form

If students successfully pass their Fundamentals of Engineering exam in Mechanical engineering, Orange Empire ASHRAE will reimburse them for the cost of the exam with proof of purchase and passing exam results. Download application form.


Student Membership

Orange Empire ASHRAE will reimburse students for student membership. Interested students need to email Cinthya a copy of their receipt and preferred shipping address. 


2023-2024 Reimbursement Checks

All reimbursement requests were mailed out last June for the 2022-2023 school year. We have a few checks currently not cashed out. If you have not received your check for a reimbursement request from last year, please let us know so we can process reimbursement.


2024-2025 Student Member Publication Price List

Click here to see the list of ASHRAE publications that are on sale for student members.


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2312 Park Avenue, #407

Tustin, CA 92782


This website is maintained by the Orange Empire Chapter of ASHRAE. ASHRAE chapters do not represent the official positions of ASHRAE Society nor reflect ASHRAE Society’s policy. To learn more about the ASHRAE activities on a Society level, please visit the ASHRAE home page at

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